Saturday, January 24, 2009

Testimony from My Dear Friend, SaraBeth

A Trip to Ethiopia to "visit orphans"... (James 1:27)
SaraBeth with Benium and Yunas

"Hey everyone.  I might have had the best day of my trip today (even though it was my first day of ministry).  I can't imagine it getting any better.  We met with Ephriam, who runs a sports ministry for the street children in downtown Addis.  We went to play sports with the children (which of course I always love).  Many of the children are abandoned and actually sleep out on the streets (the youngest one was 5 years old!!!)  I thought we were leaving to go home, but 20 of the kids hop in our vans and we take them to a restaurant.  I can't even explain the looks on their faces when they were told, "GET WHATEVER YOU WANT!" Needless to say, the next half hour was PURE JOY.  Cheeseburgers, milkshakes, mango juice, icecream, and all SMILES!  These are my two new friends, Benium and Yunas."

Please pray for SaraBeth and the team visiting orphans and exploring ways to get involved in ministering to our precious neighbors in Ethiopia.  

1 comment:

Leah and Pavel said...

This picture is priceless! Hey will you forward me any mass emails that she sends again? my email is