Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Greatest Scientist

"Be still, and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!" Psalm 46:10
It has been a busy week and it is only Wednesday!  I'm sure many of you can relate.  It appears we've all hit the ground in 2009 running!  Amidst all the busyness, we must remember to take time to be still and worship our Creator who reigns supreme over all our craziness.  I hope you will enjoy a segment of February's prayer emphasis on "Science" in YWAM's 2009 Prayer Calendar.  As someone who majored in biology as an undergraduate, this reminded me of many moments in class wanting to fall on my knees in worship of our Great and Glorious God...

"It may surprise some contemporary believers that the director of the Human Genome Project is an evangelical Christian.  This renowned scientist, Francis Collins, looks at his study of human DNA with a different worldview than one might expect.  'The elegance and complexity of the human genome is a source of profound wonder,' he says.  'That wonder only strengthens my faith, as it provides glimpses of aspects of humanity, which God has known all along, but which we are just now beginning to discover.'
Like other scientists through the ages, Collins recognizes that faith and science are not at odds.  As he explains, 'Science explores the natural world.  Faith explores the supernatural world... Does that make them separate and impossible to integrate into one person, one experience, one thought?...No, from my perspective these two world views coexist in me, and in many of you, right now.  We are not torn apart by that; we are not forced into contradictions.  Rather, I believe that we are enriched and blessed.  We have an opportunity to practice science as a form of worship.  We have a chance to see God as the greatest scientist.  As we discover things about the world, we can appreciate the wonders of God's creation.  What a gift it is to be a scientist and be able to do that.'"

A tremendous source of encouragement in this journey toward obedience of the Great Commission has been through YWAM's Personal Prayer Diary and Daily Planner.  You can click on the above link for more information.    

1 comment:

Karla said...

Did you know that Dr. Collins was at Tulane on the same day you posted that? We were hosting him for the Veritas Forum at Tulane. It was really interesting.