Saturday, August 6, 2011

Songs & Their Stories: "Hope in God"

I have 3 younger sisters. They are my closest friends in all the world. We have shared lots of tears, lots of laughter and a lot of life together... including the joy of knowing Jesus as our Savior, as well as some ensuing dark seasons...

(Atop Fort Henry Lighthouse at First Landing State Park in Virginia)
A few years back, the "sisters" convened for a brief reunion. My baby sis (as I affectionately call her:-) was coming home for her mid-deployment R&R. Despite the joy of getting together, there was an unspoken disconnect. An 'elephant in the room' if you will...

I left our time together with a very heavy heart. I even assumed some of the depression upon myself that had enveloped my sis. Those of you who have experienced bouts of depression know of its incapacitating nature. Whether physiologically induced, spiritually induced or both, it aims to debilitate...

I found solace in the pages of Scripture. Once again, I sat before the piano with my Bible opened up, this time to Psalm 42. There the psalmist pens a sort of self sermon. He is literally preaching to himself, reminding his heart and mind of the faithfulness of God in the midst of trial.

I began to meditate on the passage with my fingers on the keys... "Why are your cast down... hope in God... why are your cast down... hope in God". I wept with and resonated with the psalmist. Eventually, the truth of God's Word and who He is penetrated the depths of my soul... piercing the darkness... another song... another story...

(I just love this picture of my baby sis home on a visit holding our niece)
Hope in God (Psalm 42)

Why are you cast down, O my soul?
What is this turmoil within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him.
My salvation and my God.

Why are you cast down, O my soul?
What is this turmoil within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him.
My salvation and my God.

I will remember Your faithfulness
in the desert places
How You delivered me from the enemy's stronghold
I will remember Jesus
He's the one who conquers
His blood set me free

Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls
All of your breakers and your waves have come over me
By day the Lord commands His steadfast love
At night His song is with me, is with me
a prayer to the God of my life

Remember His faithfulness in the desert places
How He delivered us from the enemy's stronghold
Will you remember Jesus?
He's the one who conquered
His blood set us free to live in victory

My soul thirsts as the deer pants for water
Where can I go to meet my God?
I fall before the Fountain of Living Water
Jesus alone satisfies
He satisfies, Jesus satisfies...

God in his grace has restored my sister to himself. I pray he will do the same for you and your loved ones for the glory of His name. He is faithful. He is my deliverer. Jesus is the Conquering King, the Fountain of Living Water, and the only one who satisfies...

(Another song snippet from earlier this year at TBC's Global Gathering)

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