Thursday, June 25, 2009

Yesterday and Today...

Yesterday evening Mr. Barry came to take James for some male bonding time.  They went to wash his boat.  The kids eyes were wide with excitement as he pulled in the driveway.  Of course they all had to jump in!  When it was time for Barry and James to head out the girls cried with jealousy.  However, all was well once I pulled out a couple outfits from a small stash I have of donations in our garage.  Girls will be girls!  

Today was the last day of gymnastics camp.  Jana woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed... cute as ever.  She wanted her picture taken first thing - ha ha.  So, she's posing on our newly screened in porch - woo hoo!  Loving it already despite the heat!
While the girls were enjoying camp, I took James to Lowes for a few things.  It was like Walt Disney World.  We bought a squirrel feeder, sand and a deck box to store all their outdoor toys.  He didn't even go inside once we got home.  He immediately began putting the box together!  I'm so excited to have such a handyman!
Following a quick visit to the dentist for James (he has a small cavity in a baby tooth which has irritated his gums - BUT should remedy itself when the tooth falls out shortly, as well as antibiotics)... we headed to pick up the girls...
Did I mention they had a blast?!.  Each had to have their picture made with Ms. Sarah...

James traded places with Victoria yesterday (she was too tired to participate).  He loved all the various apparatus.  Even though he was NOT supposed to play on it today, I did snap a picture of him disobeying my instructions...ha ha...
Then we were off to get - Yes! I said in Ukraine we wouldn't do this for a long time BUT I'll admit my laziness - Mickey D's Happy Meals!  They were happy meals. :)  

I got a nap this afternoon!  The girls playing quietly upstairs, while James watched cartoons in my room.  Very nice and needed!  Afterwards, we crashed the Thornton/Lowery household AGAIN for more swimming.  Looking forward to lunch with friends and hopefully connecting with the Promise 139 crew friday evening...

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